Learning in Year 9, 10 & 11

Year 9 Assessment Fortnight

year 9-assessment fortnight

Year 10 Assessment Fortnight

year 10-assessment fortnight

From year 9 will begin preparing for their final examinations which normally happen in the summer of year 11. Pupils will have the choice of four options to study, alongside compulsory subjects which all pupils have to study throughout their time at school.

Parents should be aware that in many subjects there are GCSE modules examinations which are sat in Year 10. Each year parents are invited to an information evening in Year 10 and one in Year 11 to outline what external examinations are being sat and when. Parents are advised to make every effort to attend these evenings.

Subjects which are compulsory at Key Stage 4 are:

Mathematics and Numeracy

Pupils will sit GCSE's in both Mathematics and Numeracy


All pupils will sit English Language and most will also sit English Literature


Pupils will sit the Double Award Science. Those pupils wishing to study Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) should opt for Triple Award Science as one of their option choices.

Welsh and Religious Education

All pupils will sit a GCSE in Welsh. Pupils can opt to study a GCSE in RE, those not opting to do the GCSE will cover statutory RE through the study of Life-Skills and WBQ.


Pupils will be expected to partake in PE lessons throughout their time in school. In line with our school policy those who cannot partake in physical activity be it short or long term will participate as judges, referees or umpires during the session. Pupils will not sit a GCSE in PE unless they opt for it as an option subject.

Welsh Baccalaureate (WBQ) & Life-Skills

All pupils will study the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification at Key Stage 4, and Life-skills.

In addition to the above, pupils will be able to opt for a further four subjects.

In the majority of cases pupils are taught in mixed ability groups. However some subjects, such as Mathematics do set.