Y Pant provides opportunities for extra-curricular activities wherever possible. We value each pupil as an individual and recognise the need to promote opportunities for pupils to develop and progress in a holistic manner. As a school we strive to create opportunities for pupils to engage, to develop skills, to collaborate, to celebrate success, to recognise opportunities for development and to have fun. We at Y Pant are invested in our pupils and our role within the community. The following provides a flavour of what is available at the school:
- Lunchtime clubs such as: French cinema club, debate/discussion clubs, Drama club, Ukelele club, choir, Christian Union etc.
- Netball, football, basketball, rugby etc.
- A variety of trips both local, national and international extend learning and develop confidence. A sample of these are: the annual Ski Trip, RE trip to Poland, PE trip to Spain, Camps International trip to Borneo, The annual French and Spanish department trips where pupils can put into practice their linguistics skills!
- Our Youth Engagement Program- YEPS coordinate after school clubs. These are communicated termly to pupils.
We encourage all of our pupils to engage in extra-curricular opportunities available to them and encourage the recognition of the importance and value of these opportunities. By taking part in extra- curricular opportunities pupils can make new friendships and connections, embrace new experiences, gain transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, organisation and time management. These will also contribute to developing confidence and creating memories to treasure.