In order to maximise our offer in the sixth form, we work together with Bryn Celynnog. This is a long-standing partnership between two schools that continuously achieve excellent results at this level. Pupils are either registered at Bryn Celynnog or Y Pant and then choose from our shared offer of subjects. In some shared subjects, units will be taught at both Y Pant and Bryncelynnog.
A minibus operates between sites so that pupils can get around easily and returns pupils to their base school at the end of the day.
Students should plan to get the bus from Y Pant in time for their lesson at Bryn Celynnog. You may need to leave a lesson a couple of minutes early and should let your teacher know. Generally bus transport is arranged for students to be at either school for a 2 lesson block (1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6). Sometimes only 1 lesson is scheduled in the 2 lesson block in which case you may need to travel up early and spend one lesson studying.