
The aim of our careers provision is to support pupils to develop the skills needed to manage their journey through education; to inform and support decisions surrounding the world of work and make educated choices in a complex and changing world.Through our Careers programme pupils will receive support in a number of ways:

  • Through the curriculum, pupils will engage, explore, challenge and develop understanding and skills required for the world of work. The aim of incorporated opportunities will be to support pupils to develop their knowledge, skills, self-awareness and strengths, to address areas of improvement, develop and recognise attributes and characteristics which will have value within the world of work.
  • Our Careers adviser will be on hand to work with pupils directly, to advise and support, to enlighten on available opportunities and facilitate the provision available through Careers Wales which can support and develop pupils holistically in all aspects of training and work.
  • Through our Careers Fair pupils will have the opportunity to meet, explore and research potential future employment.
  • Visiting speakers will provide pupils with information on pathways to future careers and employment.
  • Application skills, such as CV writing will be covered through the curriculum.
  • Mock interviews and preparation for aptitude tests is provided through WBQ and PSE lessons and by external employers who visit the school.

Careers Website

Careers website