At Y Pant School our intention is to create an environment where children and adults work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, challenge and exploration. We believe that the child is central to the learning process and at the heart of all we do.

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) is a statutory element within the basic curriculum for pupils aged 5 to 16. At Y Pant we cover this element through a assemblies, visiting speakers, ‘Thought for the Week’, and the study of Life-Skills.

This provision includes;

¨      valuing all learners

¨      promoting positive relationships and self esteem

¨      effective co-ordination and staff training and support

¨      good use of links with and involvement in the community

¨      pastoral care, guidance and monitoring of progresses

¨      opportunities for pupils to participate in decision making

¨      extra curricular experiences such as school clubs, school council etc

¨      positive behaviour approaches

¨      planned PSHE sessions, projects and courses

¨      teaching and learning strategies which use interactive and experiential approaches

¨      involvement in recognised national programmes

¨      use of visitors and visits.

PSHE offers learning opportunities and experiences which reflect the increased independence and physical and social awareness of pupils.  Pupils need to be equipped with the skills to develop effective relationships, assume greater responsibility and keep themselves safe.  PSHE assists pupils to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.